I look at career development the same way I look at marketing a service-based business: Your reputation is your greatest asset.
Let's look at how this works when it comes to marketing services, and then loop it back to career development.
Your brand is how you treat people and how you help people (i.e. the results you help deliver).
Ask yourself, “How do I treat others?” You can have a great product or service to offer, but if you’re an as$hole who puts personal gain over helping people, it’s only a matter of time before that becomes your brand.
Ask yourself, “How do I help people? What do my results look like?” If your focus is on flashy advertising and automated sales funnels, but you don’t deliver the results your marketing promises, it’s only a matter of time before that becomes your brand.
Whether you want to grow your career or increase demand for your services, focus on building a stellar reputation. Do this by:
- Being the person who treats people well.
- Being the person who goes above and beyond to help others.
- Being the person who delivers on the promise; take responsibility for results.
This isn’t a “get rich quick!” strategy. This is a commitment to the long game of slow and steady growth. This is a commitment to being heart-centered AND results-driven.
Pair slow and steady growth with an approach that is equal parts heart-centered and results-driven, and your reputation WILL be what grows your business.
Pair slow and steady growth with an approach that is equal parts heart-centered and results-driven, and your reputation WILL be what grows your career.